comes to our mind when we hear the word science? There are many things that run
through our mind when we hear that word. Every month of September, we celebrate
the Science and Technology month. This time with the theme: Unravel the Causes.
Build the Solution. Empower Science clubbers to action. This year’s celebration
comes with a very beautiful, meaningful and catching theme.
for me, the theme is something that encourage us, students and science clubbers
to unite and help one another to end majority of our problems in our community
and society. We all know that there are so many problems occurring in our
communities and in our country just like the different kinds of pollution that
causes our environment to downgrade and be destroyed. So as a concerned
citizen, and students, we must know and unravel its causes, and then build the
solutions in order to solve this problem and empower and encourage every
science clubber, every student and everyone to join and help us fight and end
these problems.
a student and as a science clubber, we should always protect and appreciate the
beauty of the nature because it’s one of the most beautiful gift that God has
given to us.