Sunday, June 30, 2013

Dear Mr. President,

Allow me to extend my gratitude to you for a job well done to our country the past three years. There are still many works to do for our country. Some of your promises are not yet granted. We, your people are still waiting for those promises back in 2010. You must show us that you are the president that everyone is looking for. It's time to make things happen. We know that you have a good intention in running for presidency. Your people will support you and are still expecting a lot from you.

Our country is still facing many problems that are yet to be solved. Our country is still sick and poor. Our nation is flawed and orderless. Our culture is  diverse. You must find ways to have those problems healed. Even though you won't please everyone, at least, please try to make effort. Don't just do the talking. Be the president that the nation wanted you to be. Make your parents proud of you. Be an inspiration to everyone. Show them the leadership skills that your parents taught you. We hope, for the next years to come, we will see a change to our country. It's time to go out there, and unleash the force and determination left within you. I am not expecting you to change all aspects of our country, no one man can do that, but we expect you will inspire us Filipinos to strive harder.

Mr. President, I know that there is still a sleeping giant within you. Awaken it and strive to make our nation better and greater. We've seen your capabilities, we've seen the enhancements you've done for the past three years, and we expect that we will see more from you. You've given us hope, we know you can do it.

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